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What our Guests Say

I need more space to write here " Excellent hosts in Ruby plus Thomas. Extra- special food. Cooking demonstration. Taking us out on trips. Good Luck to James in Australia.We came as Strangers but leave as friends.
view photo Ian and Sue

Ruby was away unexpectedly, but we had her 2 lovely sisters instead, What a joy. Binu also was so loving and helpful. Our 2 chefs excelled. Very delicious food and so much of it. Thank you so much
view photo Lynanne Jacob, Lloyd Lee

We are very happy of have known a very kind family. Thank you for the hospitality.Thanks a lot.

Estamos muy contentos de han conocido una familia muy amable. Gracias La hospitalidad.Muchas gracias

view photo Salva Verges, Menchu Duran

Our stay here was amazing. Our 3 hosts were kind, interesting and most generous with their time. The food was always plentiful and delicious.

view photo Danielle D' Lima, Bernard D' Lima

Thank you Mrs. Ruby & Dr. Thomas for such a wonderful experience and for making us feel very much part of your family and your homeland…